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This section describes advanced usage of the checker.


The main checker functionality is available via CLI.


Manytask checker - automated tests for students' assignments.




Name Type Description Default
--version boolean Show the version and exit. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • check: Check private repository: run tests, lint etc. First forces validation.
  • export: Export tasks from reference to public repository.
  • grade: Process the configuration file and grade the tasks.
  • validate: Validate the configuration files, plugins and tasks.

checker check

Check private repository: run tests, lint etc. First forces validation.

  1. Run validate command.
  2. Export tasks to temporary directory for testing.
  3. Run pipelines: global, tasks and (dry-run) report.
  4. Cleanup temporary directory.




Name Type Description Default
-t, --task text Task name to check (multiple possible) None
-g, --group text Group name to check (multiple possible) None
-p, --parallelize boolean Execute parallel checking of tasks True
-n, --num-processes integer Num of processes parallel checking 4
--no-clean boolean Clean or not check tmp folders False
-v, --verbose / -s, --silent boolean Verbose tests output True
--dry-run boolean Do not execute anything, only log actions False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

checker export

Export tasks from reference to public repository.




Name Type Description Default
--commit boolean Commit and push changes to the repository False
--dry-run boolean Do not execute anything, only log actions False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

checker grade

Process the configuration file and grade the tasks.

  1. Detect changes to test.
  2. Export tasks to temporary directory for testing.
  3. Run pipelines: global, tasks and report.
  4. Cleanup temporary directory.




Name Type Description Default
--submit-score boolean Submit score to the Manytask server False
--timestamp text Timestamp to use for the submission None
--username text Username to use for the submission None
--branch text Rewrite branch name for the submission None
--no-clean boolean Clean or not check tmp folders False
-v, --verbose / -s, --silent boolean Verbose tests output False
--dry-run boolean Do not execute anything, only log actions False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

checker validate

Validate the configuration files, plugins and tasks.

  1. Validate the configuration files content.
  2. Validate mentioned plugins.
  3. Check all tasks are valid and consistent with the manytask.


checker validate [OPTIONS] [ROOT]


Name Type Description Default
-v, --verbose / -s, --silent boolean Verbose output True
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Also, we provide a docker image with checker installed.
We have tried to optimize it, but you may want to create your own image from scratch.

The docker entrypoint is checker script, so you can use it as a CLI application.

docker run --rm -it manytask/checker:0.0.1-python3.8 --help

or you can build it from your Dockerfile

FROM manytask/checker:0.0.1-python3.8
# ...

Check available versions on dockerhub.

  • manytask/checker:main-pythonX.X is main branch version of checker. It is DEVELOPMENT version and may be unstable.
  • manytask/checker:X.X.X-pythonX.X is stable version, generated from release tag.